
28 de outubro de 2007

Realmente há coisas com piada.

Take this test!
Do we have a fever, or is it just you? Successful, charming, and oh-so-attractive, like your Grey's Anatomy counterpart Dr. Derek Shepherd, you get everybody's blood pressure rising! People may have a hard time looking past your smokin' exterior, but when they do, they find intelligence to match. No wonder it's sometimes hard for you to avoid the spotlight.

Accused of being a little intimidating? Only by the jealous ones, we're sure. So dreamy!

1 Ah e tal...:

diariodebordo disse...

O engraçado é que fiz o teste imensas vezes e com respostas diferentes e deu sempre o Dr. Shepherd... Não sei se isso quer dize alguma coisa... LOL